

shell变量测试 发布于:2025-02-18 00:40 查找局域网内可ssh登录的主机(22端口)。 发布于:2025-02-16 16:16 修改用户密码 发布于:2025-01-18 16:41 编写脚本,终端输入整数n,输出n行n列的空心矩形。 发布于:2025-01-03 14:20 fasfadfs天气预报 发布于:2024-12-28 23:48 和天气获取数据 发布于:2024-12-28 15:26 cys homeweork 发布于:2024-12-12 05:57 cys homework 发布于:2024-12-12 05:56 2、设计shell程序找出小于500但同时被7和17整除的数; 发布于:2024-12-01 01:32 1、在Linux操作系统中设计一个1到8的加法shell程序,当程序运行时显示如下的运行效果: 发布于:2024-12-01 01:10 Shell编程 → 字符串与变量 发布于:2024-11-06 11:19 计算10以内的奇数和 发布于:2024-11-04 14:54 获取上个月的日期 发布于:2024-11-03 21:23 测试代码功能 发布于:2024-10-25 10:47 大大飒飒法 发布于:2024-10-24 22:18 shell 字符串比较大小 发布于:2024-10-23 15:05 shell测试代码 发布于:2024-10-23 11:59 测试二进制文件读写 发布于:2024-10-17 15:01 这是测试代码 发布于:2024-10-09 18:42 Linux 服务器一键安装部署脚本 发布于:2024-09-11 14:27 测试shell语言压缩文件的 发布于:2024-09-09 11:18 ping脚本 发布于:2024-08-25 23:16 这是我的测试代码 发布于:2024-06-22 15:34 vps一键脚本 发布于:2024-05-15 22:42 玩家获得客户丢货 发布于:2024-05-09 11:25 参数传递测试 发布于:2024-04-24 18:41 目录查找删除 发布于:2024-04-16 11:43 shell脚本学习 发布于:2024-03-07 16:03 bash zndf判断 发布于:2024-03-06 10:23 #### 实验1.1验证输入密码脚本 发布于:2024-03-05 20:16 rm -f测试程序 发布于:2024-03-05 17:40 shell保存简悦导出的markdown文件 发布于:2024-03-03 15:22 grep 三个命令递进组合 发布于:2024-02-28 17:41 if+单大括号 发布于:2024-02-22 15:18 cp拷贝文件 发布于:2024-02-22 14:48 shell脚本编辑学习 发布于:2024-02-20 09:24 shell脚本 发布于:2024-01-26 20:43 学习shell 发布于:2024-01-23 17:31 此脚本检测ChIP-seq样本是否input和IP匹配 发布于:2024-01-17 13:38 一键运行脚本 发布于:2024-01-13 21:37 单点进程与图形声音进程 发布于:2024-01-12 14:58 随机生成10个不相同的整 发布于:2023-12-08 10:18 game color 发布于:2023-12-04 20:01 打印等边三角形 发布于:2023-11-28 20:00 shell计算器 发布于:2023-11-22 17:22 重启执行docker 发布于:2023-11-21 10:57 测试数据局 发布于:2023-10-19 17:06 查询被封禁ip 发布于:2023-09-19 16:37 shell减法函数 发布于:2023-09-13 10:57 centos7测试tomcat服务是否正常运行 发布于:2023-09-13 10:25 [更多]


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点击购买 固件广场


Linux zipinfo命令用于列出压缩文件信息。



zipinfo [-12hlmMstTvz][压缩文件][文件...][-x <范本样式>]


-1 只列出文件名称。
-2 此参数的效果和指定"-1"参数类似,但可搭配"-h","-t"和"-z"参数使用。
-h 只列出压缩文件的文件名称。
-l 和指定"-m"参数类似,但会列出原始文件的大小而非每个文件的压缩率。
-m 和指定"-s"参数类似,但多会列出每个文件的压缩率。
-M 若信息内容超过一个画面,则采用类似more指令的方式列出信息。
-s 用类似执行"ls -l"指令的效果列出压缩文件内容。
-t 只列出压缩文件内所包含的文件数目,压缩前后的文件大小及压缩率。
-T 将压缩文件内每个文件的日期时间用年,月,日,时,分,秒的顺序列出。
-v 详细显示压缩文件内每一个文件的信息。
-x<范本样式> 不列出符合条件的文件的信息。
-z 如果压缩文件内含有注释,就将注释显示出来。



[root@jsrun a]# zipinfo 
Archive:  486 bytes  4 files
-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 a.c
-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 b.c
-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 c.c
-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 e.c
4 files, 0 bytes uncompressed, 0 bytes compressed: 0.0%
[root@jsrun a]#


[root@jsrun a]# zipinfo -v 
Archive:  486 bytes  4 files

End-of-central-directory record:

 Actual offset of end-of-central-dir record:     464 (000001D0h)
 Expected offset of end-of-central-dir record:    464 (000001D0h)
 (based on the length of the central directory and its expected offset)

 This zipfile constitutes the sole disk of a single-part archive; its
 central directory contains 4 entries. The central directory is 248
 (000000F8h) bytes long, and its (expected) offset in bytes from the
 beginning of the zipfile is 216 (000000D8h).

 There is no zipfile comment.

Central directory entry #1:


 offset of local header from start of archive:   0 (00000000h) bytes
 file system or operating system of origin:    Unix
 version of encoding software:           2.3
 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
 minimum software version required to extract:   1.0
 compression method:                none (stored)
 file security status:               not encrypted
 extended local header:              no
 file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC
 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000
 compressed size:                 0 bytes
 uncompressed size:                0 bytes
 length of filename:                3 characters
 length of extra field:              13 bytes
 length of file comment:              0 characters
 disk number on which file begins:         disk 1
 apparent file type:                binary
 Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r--
 MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none

 The central-directory extra field contains:
 - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.
  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times.
 - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes.

 There is no file comment.

Central directory entry #2:


 offset of local header from start of archive:   54 (00000036h) bytes
 file system or operating system of origin:    Unix
 version of encoding software:           2.3
 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
 minimum software version required to extract:   1.0
 compression method:                none (stored)
 file security status:               not encrypted
 extended local header:              no
 file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC
 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000
 compressed size:                 0 bytes
 uncompressed size:                0 bytes
 length of filename:                3 characters
 length of extra field:              13 bytes
 length of file comment:              0 characters
 disk number on which file begins:         disk 1
 apparent file type:                binary
 Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r--
 MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none

 The central-directory extra field contains:
 - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.
  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times.
 - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes.

 There is no file comment.

Central directory entry #3:


 offset of local header from start of archive:   108 (0000006Ch) bytes
 file system or operating system of origin:    Unix
 version of encoding software:           2.3
 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
 minimum software version required to extract:   1.0
 compression method:                none (stored)
 file security status:               not encrypted
 extended local header:              no
 file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC
 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000
 compressed size:                 0 bytes
 uncompressed size:                0 bytes
 length of filename:                3 characters
 length of extra field:              13 bytes
 length of file comment:              0 characters
 disk number on which file begins:         disk 1
 apparent file type:                binary
 Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r--
 MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none

 The central-directory extra field contains:
 - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.
  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times.
 - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes.

 There is no file comment.

Central directory entry #4:


 offset of local header from start of archive:   162 (000000A2h) bytes
 file system or operating system of origin:    Unix
 version of encoding software:           2.3
 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT
 minimum software version required to extract:   1.0
 compression method:                none (stored)
 file security status:               not encrypted
 extended local header:              no
 file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local
 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC
 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000
 compressed size:                 0 bytes
 uncompressed size:                0 bytes
 length of filename:                3 characters
 length of extra field:              13 bytes
 length of file comment:              0 characters
 disk number on which file begins:         disk 1
 apparent file type:                binary
 Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r--
 MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none

 The central-directory extra field contains:
 - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.
  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times.
 - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes.

 There is no file comment.
        JSRUN提供的Shell/Bash 在线运行,Shell/Bash 在线运行工具,基于linux操作系统环境提供线上编译和线上运行,具有运行快速,运行结果与常用开发、生产环境保持一致的特点。